Understanding & Optimizing Your Social Security Benefits

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Registration for this event will close on April 10, 2025 @ 5:00pm.

Program Description

Event Details

The RSSA Social Security Workshop Presentation will help your audience understand and optimize their Social Security benefits. You will learn about the basics of Social Security, different factors that can affect filing, taxation and more. Some specific questions that you will have answered are:

  • Why waiting to take Social Security may or may not be your best move.
  • What happens if your spouse is still working?
  • What if you still are or want to work part-time?
  • What if you are divorced or widowed?
  • How to maximize your Social Security benefits.
  • How you may be able to reduce taxes on Social Security.
  • What's your full retirement age, and why is it important?
  • What's the best age to claim your Social Security?



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